24h Change
Last price
24h Volume
24h Volume Bolo Token
Name Sakhalin Husky/Bolo Token
24h Change 0.00
Last price 0.0000000100
24h Volume 5009982190.000000
24h Volume BOLO 50.099821


The deposit and withdrawal limits and fees in our cryptocurrency exchange are determined by the currency deposit and withdrawal limits and fees of your payment method or blockchain specific.
You do not have to withdraw using the same payment method you used for depositing funds. Withdrawal and deposit fees for SAHU (Sakhalin Husky) and BOLO (Bolo Token) can be found below.

Market maker fee
Market taker fee

There are two counterparts to every trade:
Market makers place orders to buy or sell оn the market before transactions take place which creates liquidity in the market (an order book is formed). These orders are not required to be executed immediately. Market takers conclude transactions at the current market offer. Market takers pay a fee for each transaction. The size of the maker and taker fees for SAHU/BOLO pair can be found below.

Sakhalin Husky
SAHU Withdrawal fee
0.015000 ETH
SAHU Deposit fee
Bolo Token
BOLO Withdrawal fee
BOLO Deposit fee

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